meet some gentle people

photo by zb

moon duo

(française version)
quand le jour se lève, il pleut. je pose un instant le livre que je lis. je lève les yeux. par la fenêtre, je regarde les allées. "ca va être boueux". je reprends ma lecture. description d'une rizière. ma fille entre dans la cuisine. je monte le son. 'flowers'. moon duo.
if you're going to San Francisco
be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...
ils sont de là bas, j'crois...

(englikhtonian version)
when the sun rises, it rains. for a moment I stop reading my book. I look up. through the window, I look at the aisles. "'t will be muddy." I resume my reading. description of a rice field. my daughter enters the kitchen. I put the volume up up up. 'flowers'. moon duo.
if you're going to San Francisco
be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...
they're from there, I think...

moon duo
ecouter moon duo s/ spotify
acheter/buy 'scars/flowers' "horror tour" & "mazes"

la playlist du matin
56. zbjibi56

la playlist du soir
99. zbjibi99

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