stw podcast episode 301

photo by zb
stw episode 301

soleil et averses. voilà le temps qu'il fait. il y aurait une histoire. ces chansons ne se mettraient pas, de leur plein gré, dans la file d'attente. il y aurait un ordre secret connu de quelques-uns. cet ordre, je l'ignore. j'ignore tout. pluies et éclaircies. voilà le temps qu'il fait.
sun and showers. that's the weather. there would be a story. these songs wouldn't stand, voluntarily, in the queue. there would be a secret order known to few. this order, I do not know. I know nothing. rain or shine. the weather.
episode 301 ... but who cares uh ?

daughter - home (a/b)
casey burge - who knew (a/b)
arno m. - grey road
the vévé seashore a cup of coffee for your fears (a/b)
jimmy reed - big boss man (a/b )
the sweet talks - eyi su ngaangaa (a/b)
play dead - poison takes a hold (a/b)
caged animals - eat your own (a/b)
the marsh hens - god laughs (a/b)
eat your birthday cake - rock stars (a/b)
mickey newbury - t. total tommy (a/b)
zachary cale - we had our day in the sun (a/b)
lüüp - horse heart (a/b)
fabio orsi - folks! my souls stands up before you! (a/b)

p.s : retrouvez toute l'intersaison à cette adresse :stw's intersaison

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photo "episode 301" by ZB

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