La photo la musique so the wind podcast episode 198 : play it loud (59'56- 58mo) Tracklist : zachary cale - come quietly (a/b) album bientôt/soon sean hayes - garden (a/b tout/all) devolver - suncreep (a/b) waterhens - diving (a/b) joanna newsom - easy (a/b) higuma - a glacial tongue (a/b) monks of […]
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stw podcast episode 197
La photo la musique so the wind podcast episode 197 : play it loud (55'14- 54 mo) Tracklist : imaginary softwoods - untitled 5 (a/b) scott tuma - free dirt (a/b) space Weather - transmute the black rock (a/b) bugskull - subterranean life (a/b) bleeding heart narrative - the cartographer (a/b) peter […]
stw podcast episode 196
...certains di-ron-ront qu'ils n'apportent pas grand chose de neuf mais kling klang klong ils en ont rien à foutr' et moi itou ! wahtoufrigo...go! ...some sad figures will say-ay-yay that they don't bring anythin' new but klink klaang kloonk it's fresh'n'cool so who really gives a fuck […]