the stw thursday prog' (08)

"Sursum corda", second volet (le premier étant l'EP "winter turn of century" paru l'été dernier) du triptyque "Life and objects" de Rain est disponible.
Visitez le nouveau site de the hideous north. Ecoutez ses podcasts.
N'hésitez pas une seconde, offrez vous la version cd de "From the scratch", nouvel album des Near death experience !

From Rain, "Sursum corda", second part of the triptych "Life and objects" is available (first part was the EP "winter turn of century" released last summer).
Visit the new site of the hideous north. Listen to his podcasts.
hesitate one more second, offer you the cd version of "From the scratch", new album of Near death experiment !

Playlist (ikhtoniaradio) :

2 orchestra - being alive killed the best in me
dolores - the everknow stranger
rain - last wagon sleep
near death experience - the japan song
the hideous north - a passing glance

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