Souviens-toi, revenez-y.
"Every day he commits to memory new facts...
and remembers every one of them..."
"Time now to start again..."
La voix et les paroles de Dominic Appleton (Breathless, This Mortal Coil), sur "facing the waves", m'y encouragent.
Vendredi soir. Je cherche un souvenir. Un souvenir de l'année passée. Si n'en trouve pas, devrais-je passer mon tour ou fouiller les années précédentes?
Décembre 2010. La neige. Je me souviens d'une discussion. Avec mon père. "Nous devrions hiberner jusqu'au printemps..." disait-il. Une proposition récurrente. Chaque fois que la tempéature s'approche trop dangereusement du zéro alors que les jours raccourcissent au profit de l'obscurité.
"Somehow days keep melting into the night
And there's always light on the cosmic range"
(strength of strings, Gene Clark)
"(e.nglikhtonian v.ersion)"
Remember, flash back to those days.
"Every day he commits to memory new facts...
and remembers every one of them..."
"Time now to start again..."
Dominic Appleton (Breathless, This Mortal Coil), his voice and lyrics, on "facing the waves", encourage me.
Friday night. I'm looking for a souvenir. Something from last year. If not I found, should I pass my turn or search in previous years?
December 2010. Snow. I remember a discussion. With my dad. "We should hibernate until spring..." he said. A recurring proposition. Each time the temperature gets too dangerously close to zero while the days get shorter in favor of the dark.
"Somehow days keep melting into the night
And there's always light on the cosmic range"
(Strength of Strings, Gene Clark)
Another Year Is Over, Let's Wait for Springtime by Open to the Sea
grey sparkle : music for those who cannot live in their own world