or how to soundtrack a photo, de haut en bas et de gauche à droite : so the wind podcast episode special 032
play it LOUD (43'47- 42mo)
Tracklist :
africa germany germany mexico turkey australia - retraced steps (ext.)
white light - five horses
onna - cortigiana dal velo
ducktails - oh magnolia tree
nora guthrie - home before dark
blues control - on through the night (ext.)
mayyors - the crawl
cursillistas - peace pipers tape side a (ext.)
julian lynch - andaza
twinsistermoon - bride of spirits
christina carter - to surrender
nurse with wound - akt II (ext.)
cursillistas - burns like white sun
lula cortes - roses of blood
(get it)
loren dent - the loss of eternal life
(get it)
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photo "episodespecial032" by ZB
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