stw podcast episode 118

photo zb
stw episode 118

J'ai pris des disques, une cinquantaine, numérisés, digitalisés, les ai lus au hasard, ai pris, dans le milieu, onze titres et ça donne :

I took records, fifty or so, digitized, used the shuffle touch and, in the middle, took eleven tracks and it gives:

the S.E.R.I.E.rand:o:m:o:n.e(play it loud) (45'02" - 43mo)

Playlist :
dieter schoon - mary jane (acheter/buy)
pumice - the only doosh worth giving (acheter/buy)
crow tongue - sixteen hooves (acheter/buy)
prince far I - et version (acheter/buy)
opotopo (easy kabaka brown) - belema (acheter/buy)
benjamin wetherill - the derby jam (acheter/buy)
swod - deer (acheter/buy)
a rocket in dub - rocket nr3 (acheter/buy)
chad crouch - as if it mattered (acheter/buy)
supersoul - satellites (feat. cyne) (acheter/buy)
faust - picnic on a frozen river (acheter/buy)

(Subscribe via itunes or using this.)

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''Buy record at usual suspects !'

bonus (youtube)
crow tongue - wind chant
prince far I - throw away your gun
benjamin wetherill
jan svankmajer's faust

photo "episode118" by ZB

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