episode 867

episode 867
episode 867

... "tout le monde sait où
cette route nous mène...
tôt ou tard."

but who cares ? : episode 867

the fall - M5 (john peel session, 05.02.1994)
ratigan era - gan dem (era, 2024)
in-grid - tu es foutu (rendez vous, 2003)
asian dub foundation - débris e (facts and fiction, 1995)
pp roy - for cow boys (seven up, 2002)
stereolab - monkey jelly (the underground is coming, 1999)
the amps - dedicated (pacer, 1995)
hot garbage - look at my phone (precious dream 2024)
warm exit - tv (ultra violence,2024)
mekons - inhuman (exquisite, 2020)
skyjelly - what have you done (spirit guide, 2023)
spoon - lucifer on the sofa (lucifer on the moon, 2022)
cursor miner - uhave2wonder (complete death of cool, 2004)
lala & ce - fallait dire non (thmont, 2022)
moonshake - tar baby (ava luna, 1992)
sophia saze - curtains (tresor 30, 2021)
stereolab - retrograde mirror form (the first of the microbe hunters, 2000)
gene vincent - afterglow (john peel session, 06.02.1972)


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