"tout le monde sait où
cette route nous mène..."
but who cares uh ? : episode 704
(philippe ogouz)
(jean gabin)
(serge gainsbourg)
htrk - into the drama (venus in leo - 2019, ghostly)
ramuntcho matta - au fond du fond (96 - 2019, akuphone)
kim gordon - earthquake (no home record- 2019,matador)
michal turowski & hiroshimabend - numer (the immortal principle - 2018, positive regression)
malaria! - tod-death (emotion - 1982, moabit musik)
ramuntcho matta - ni un, ni deux (96 - 2019, akuphone)
coil - exploding frogs (the gay man’s guide to safer sex - 2019, musique pour la danse)
chantal morte - javanaise magnétique (mental short- 2012, trace label)
jacaszek - to daffodils (kwiaty - 2017, ghostly)
autumn pool - first recital (the warmest hum - 2019, vaagner)
michal turowski - sarcophagus (wormwood and flame - 2019, positive regression)
yellow magic orchestra - i tre merli (technodon - 1993, eastworld)
data domain - forest surroundings (earth! - 2019, lett)
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