stw podcast episode 385

stw episode 385

souvenirs du futur
... blacked out ... black ice ... blacked out ... black ice ... black.

"IL est six heures, qu'est ce que tu fais là ?
L'ascenseur continuait à monter avec une extrême lenteur. Du moins je pensais qu'il montait, mais à vrai dire je n'en savais rien. A une vitesse aussi réduite, toute sensation de direction s'efface..."
Haruki Murakami. La fin des temps

(future memories of yesterday)... blacked out ... black ice ... blacked out ... black ice ... black.
"The elevator continued its impossibly slow ascent. Or at least I imagined it was ascent. There was no telling for sure: it was so slow that all sense of direction simply vanished..."
Haruki Murakami. Hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world.

but who cares uh ? : episode 385

jim jarmusch - stranger than paradise (excerpts)
three mustaphas 3 - ya habibi,ya ghaneyme (peel session 24.04.85)
different skeletons - fighting words
adori office - song of the mute siren
geronimo! - love conduit
gézakékazég - what a day
jim jarmusch - stranger than paradise (excerpt)
arkitype - do it (to the road)
fuseism - faith
protomartyr - (don't you) call out my name
padkarosda - gyermeksírás
jim jarmusch - stranger than paradise (excerpts)
piresian beach - play today
eat your birthday cake - kathy & ken
blackfeet braves - trippin' like I do
brothers in law - a magic
random characters - move on
jim jarmusch - stranger than paradise (excerpt)
broken cups - the sun
castratii - monolith
eskimeaux - well
luc - baiser-bossa
mt. kailash - telescope
jim jarmusch - stranger than paradise (excerpt)
lowtoe secretaries - vifit sheyclop
freiwillige selbstkontrolle - a swingin' safari (peel session 06.08.85)
jim jarmusch - stranger than paradise (excerpt)


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photo "episode 385" by ZB

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