stw podcast episode 326

photo by zb
stw episode 326

"dans le prolongement des questions du vendredi..."

"I found the truth, and it is simple: Life is amazing."
Jim Dodge, Stone Junction, p.469 (Canongate)

but who cares uh ? : episode 326

big blood
(a/b) via don't trust the ruin's etsy

twice upon a time taken from Night Terrors on the Isle of Louis Hardin
sequins taken from Space Gallery 27-01-2007 & Sahara Club 28-01-2007
my last days as a fish taken from Strange Maine 01-20-2007
away pt 1 taken from Old Time Primitives
the wind's house taken from already gone I
got wings? taken from Sew Your Wild Days Tour Vol. II
#6 taken from big blood nov 2006
she-wander(er) taken from dark country magic
vitamin c taken from Sew Your Wild Days Tour Vol. I
'lectric lashes 2 taken from visitations & big blood
heart of glass taken from already gone II
beast ( 1 beast) taken from the grove
night lighter taken from big blood and the bleedin' hearts
away pt II taken from Old Time Primitives


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photo "episode 326" by ZB

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