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photo by zb
human taste

little claw
human taste

(française version)
Je cours. Je cours. A ma perte. Sur cette chanson des Little Claw. Je cours. Je cours. Me noyer dans le lac. Dans le lac.Sur la diapositive qui agrémente.enjolive. ma course de salon sur tapis roulant.Volant. Je cours. Je cours. Me couper. M'entailler l'index, l'index. Sur la table de la cuisine.Je cours. Je cours. There's no way out... Je cours. Je cours. Me congeler.surgeler. geler. Pour le futur. J'y croiserai une liz freezer vintage. Period.

(englikhtonian version)
I run. I run. To my loss.ruin. On this Little Claw's song. Little close song. I run. I run. Drown me in the lake. The lake. On the slide that livens up. prettifies the scene. I run in the living room. on a rolling carpet. Flying. I run. I run. To cut off. Cut my index finger, forefinger. On the table in the kitchen. kitsch-catch. I run. I run. There's no way out... I run. I run. To freeze me. Deeply. Freeze. For the future. I'll pass by a vintage liz freezer. Period.

little claw
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photo by ZB

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