mardi. des signes, un bus bleu, 33.

photo by zb
sunsets of smiles
is this how it ends

sunsets of smiles

is this how it ends

(française version)
Parfois, les signes s'accumulent. Dernier jour de la quatrième saison de So The Wind. Thème du 133ème contrast podcast : les dernières chansons d'albums. "Sunsets of smiles" est la dernière chanson de "Of Wondrous Legends".
En quête d'information sur Mountain Bus (groupe dont Steve Titra/O.W.l. fût, un moment, membre ), je tombe là dessus
"The blue bus is calling us, Driver, where you’re takin’ us?"
Non seulement j'adore les bus et leurs arrêts, mais aussi la couleur bleue. Deux signes collatéraux. Le vrai signe est que ça sort tout droit de la chanson des Doors, The End. Si tu vois... D'où la question kelmanienne : est ce ainsi que cela finit ? En tant que chauffeur du bus bleu ikhtone, je vous donne une réponse demain (ou ici).

(A signaler, également chez Locust, la parution de King's Curse, le second album de Begushkin)

(englikhtonian version)
Sometimes, signs pile up. Last day of the fourth season of So The Wind. Topic of the 133rd contrast podcast: album closers. "Sunsets of smiles" is the last song from "Of Wondrous Legends", recently released on Locust.
In search of information on Mountain Bus (Steve Titra / O.W.l. was a former member ), fell on this :
"The blue bus is calling us, Driver, where you’re takin’ us?"
Not only do I love buses and their stops, but also the color blue. Two collateral signs. The real sign is that it comes right from the Doors song, "The End". See... Hence the kelmanian question: is this how it ends? As the ikhtonian blue bus driver in chief, I give you an answer tomorrow (or is this one)?

(For info, Locust news, King's Curse, Begushkin's 2nd release is out.)

acheter/buy "of wondrous legends"


contrast podcast 133.

bonus (youtube)
begushkin - gone to hell

image by ZB

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