Wednesday. In the afternoon and you ?

photo by zb
her spirit knows
vagabond blues

by the fireside
her spirit knows

george thomas and the owls
vagabond blues

(française version)
"so I'm back my friends..."
Le nouvel album de George Thomas commence par ces mots. Ballade d'un héros oublié. Des fois, je me dis je devrais écrire que des questions. Je laisserais des espaces. (De l'espace?) Vous les rempliriez. Parce que, vous seuls, connaissez les réponses à ces questions. Je veux dire par là que je ne peux pas répondre à votre place. Pour George Thomas, par exemple, je sais que j'avais beaucoup aimé son précédent "concert for two bicycles". Et vous ? que j'aime beaucoup celui-là, "shooting cabin songs". Il est plein de chansons qui, le moment venu, sauront me réchauffer. Et pas seulement du froid du dehors.
By The fireside. Je ne connaissais pas encore. Et vous ? Appartient au même club. Le cerf rouge. Sacré club! Jour de brûlage. Il s'appelle leur mini album. Qui tombe bien j'ai quelques trucs de mon temps jadis à brûler. Et vous? Quand ce ne seront plus que des braises et des cendres, nous remettrons George Thomas et ses hiboux.

(englikhtonian version)
"so I'm back my friends..."
The new album by George Thomas begins with these words. Ballad of a forgotten hero. Sometimes, I tell myself that I should only write questions. I would leave spaces. (Space?) You would fill them.. Because, only you know the answers to these questions. What I mean is that I can not answer for yourself. George Thomas, for instance, I know that I really liked his previous "concert for two bicycles". And you? that I a lot love this new one, "shooting cabin songs." It is full of songs which, when the time will come, will warm my heart. And not only from the cold outside.
By The fireside. I did not know yet. And you? Is from the same club. The red deer. Sacred club! Day of the burning. Is called their mini album. Which is good luck, I have a few things from my old times to burn. And you? When these will be nothing more than embers and ashes, we will listen to George Thomas and owls again.

by the fireside
acheter/buy "day of the burning"

george thomas & the owls
acheter/buy "shooting cabin songs"

bonus (youtube)
by the fireside - her spirit knows
george thomas & the owls - smack

photo by ZB

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