imagine (encore)

image zb
still captures

h. stewart
still captures

(française version)
"to touch the taste of sound". Trois sens sur cinq. Toucher. Goût. Ouïe. Manquent l'odeur et la vue. Qu'importe. Ou plutôt non car la force de l'oeuvre de cette jeune artiste du Missouri (Kansas City) est que, les yeux fermés et le nez bouché, nous pouvons voir et sentir. La pluie ou la neige. Qui vient ou ne vient pas. La poussière et le vent. L'obscurité du dehors. La lumière intérieure. Les sentiments enfouis. Le soleil qui monte et fuit à l'horizon. Le temps qui passe...

(englikhtonian version)
"to touch the taste of sound". Three senses out of five. Touch. Taste. Sound. Smell and sight out. Never mind. Or not, because the strength of the music of this young artist from Kansas City is that, closed eyes and held nose, we can see and smell. The rain or the snow. Which comes or not. Dust and the wind. The outside darkness. Internal light. Buried feelings. The gone-up sun which runs away on the skyline. Time that passes...

h. stewart
to touch the taste of sound (clinical archives)

bonus (youtube)
cecil dill and his musical hands

photo "still" by zb

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