stw pod.netlab. iss. 03

photo zb
stw netlabel issue 03

test /-03 (43'23 - 40mo)''
(play it loud)

Playlist :
traits - baldhead a dead no lightweight sociopath recordings
pipher - chant des astres vendetta lullabye umor_rex
borges! - olivenza borges ep amaranta records
sidearm - follow augustus he's going to be king don't cry help until you're dead lost children
popular workshop - all about vikki john peel tribute session #8 tribute to john peel
mimes for smack - fremont who killed my moonlight sociopath recordings
the crisding bladading - parce que despital despitam off&green
asyncdrone - coda demolition blues no type
dimomib - deep blue groove chillium ep deep in dub
rosa luxemburg new quintet - schizophonie insubordinations

(Subscribe via itunes or using this.)

bonus (youtube)
pipher- chanson des astres
sidearm - victim junkie
popular workshop - pop song
mimes for smack - saturn gallivanting

photo "" by ZB

(encore) à voir

H2C x 4, live 4 mars 2007, Mauvaisin. (youtube)

soient dEUx "H" Heddy Boubaker (guitare) et Hervé Perez ('sons, laptop'') et 1 "C" pour Cia Barbett (danse)

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