time will tell, my ill hell, tie 'em all

photo zb
the undertaker's ball

the rohan theatre band
the undertaker's ball

Paleo's diary : one song, each day
the stands

(française version)
Pluie glaciale.
Dans un effort suprême, le Monde tente de retrouver sa position initiale de chute - sur le ventre. Mais les ombres, malheureuses aveugles, lui piétinent l'abdomen, le thorax et les membres et bientôt, par leur nombre et leurs coups involontairement portés, le Monde expire.

(englikhtonian version)
Icy rain.
In a supreme effort, the World tries to find its initial position of fall - on the belly. But unfortunate and blind shadows trample its abdomen, thorax and members down and soon, by their number and involontary blows, the World expires.

the rohan theatre band
acheter/buy "perfect world"

rohan k. rehearses "nobody buried the undertaker" (u-tube)

bon week end _!

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