...thursday at the shopping race

photo by zb

go van gogh

Paleo's diary : one song, each day
the for real thing

Eric Metronome's project : 52 weeks, 52 covers
girl in a box
(original by Blake Babies)
+ Eric Metronome's new album, "You Should Be Happy," out on october 31st (sunken treasure).

C'est un jeudi après midi comme un autre. Où les nuages ont traversé le ciel bleu. Des gros et un petit. Ils couraient après le dernier chariot libre du supermarché. On aurait dit.

(englikhtonian version)
It's a Thursday afternoon like another. Clouds crossed the blue sky. Large ones and one small. They ran after the last free cart in the supermarket. That's how it looked like. I would have said.

go van gogh
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