
stw podcast episode 412

"..." but who cares uh ? : episode 412 distribution: the double - in the fog (peel session 30.09.04) dante elephante - all the time bobb trimble's flying spiders - armour of the shroud (Brooklyn 06/25/09) (feat. Gary War) harangue - the engine lil daggers - spiderlilly heather leigh -  […]

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stw podcast episode 411

"..." but who cares uh ? : episode 411 distribution: dance fault - toys (peel session 23.09.82 rpt from 08.09.82) log across the washer - of course said the horse mohs - goin' home (new mexico suite) chauchat - wizard of time richard youngs - mountain of doom aunt ange - down the rabbit  […]

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coup de jeune

si j'étais fine gueule j'écrirais : "dommage que les titres plus lents viennent un peu casser le rythme : énergisants et prometteurs débuts toutefois." à la place j'écris "waouh" sans bouder mon plaisir à bondir dans tous les coins de la pièce malgré mon coeur vieillissant! Uzu  […]

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stw podcast episode 410

"..." but who cares uh ? : episode 410 distribution: si begg - entertainment (peel session 16.09.03) cocteau twins - hazel stiver - shine andrew liles - 26-33 33 1/3 harappian night recordings - red eyes, noose and goad pan american - for aiming at the stars yellow swans - psychic  […]

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fois deux

(soundcloud)(sonic oyster rec.) / ht.buy (soundcloud)(ba da bing rec.) / ht.buy (website)  […]

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stw podcast episode 409

"..." but who cares uh ? : episode 409 distribution: the keys - from tense to loose to slack (peel session 09.09.03) lee perry & upsetters - much smarter dub cleaners from venus - in the kingdom of the cool tadd dameron sextet - jahbero danny guglielmi - jealous nothing people - fatal  […]

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stw podcast episode 408

"Dans la lumière orangée de ce crépuscule, le rectangle blanc indiquait la date du 2 septembre"(Ayn Rand, La grève)"In the rusty light of this evening's sunset, the rectangle said: September 2."(Ayn Rand, Atlas shrugged) but who cares uh ? : episode 408 distribution: blueskins -  […]

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