
notule 000,000,014***

...IF SOMEONE who doesn't say words like "hey man, that's my record of the week so far" tells you "hey that's my record of the week for the next three weeks" does it make sense to you ? yep ? So... y'know now wha' y'ave to do 'til the national french day ! bastille ! uh !  […]

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notule 000,000,012

I CHECKED my mailbox this afternoon and this, a new fascinating Rudi Arapahoe's audiowork, was in.'s your turn to get a real treatment for your weary & noise-damaged ears. rudi arapahoe

notule 000,000,011

revenons à l'essentiel. ce sont surtout eux/elles qui font la musique. une nouvelle rubrique apparaîtra dans l'après midi de chaque vendredi. ou plus tard dans la soirée, le même jour. back to basics. above all considerations, it's them, he or she, who play the music. a new section will appear in  […]

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