
La dialectique peut elle casser des briques ?

P aScAL cOmELAdE lA prisE dE Nankin par l'armEE pOpulAIrE dE libEratioN Sur Tchongcheng un orage éclate impétueux un million de héros ont passé le grand fleuve ville tigre dragon en splendeur toute neuve terre et ciel renversés, triomphe valeureux qu'on presse l'ennemi du surcroît de courage sans  […]

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I don't need no...

Alvi&The Alviettes I'll go to 1983 46 records Rosi/Rosita Blissenbach HornissEn Quick CulturE Schnappi das kleine Krokodil Die Astronautin Erika Klose produziert von Detlev Kühne The animals of Farthing Wood Les Animaux du bois de quat'sous  […]

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...riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave

r.i.P hUntErsthompsonnickkillroy arthurmillErjimmysmithtyronEdavisjohny carsonspEncErdrydEndannysugErman willEisnErsonsEalsartiEshawsusan sontagrEnatatEbaldijhonnbalancE odbjohnpEEL... Ikhtoniaradio : Verone - Caméléon  […]

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...a french week-end on...

Hitchcock go home- how to stop it now Mobiil - Les grand magasins Talia- Teenage The Craftmen Club - I like bang bang Nestor is Bianca - Get on et aussi Chair chant Corps - La routine Boulbar - La fille aux yeux gris clairs Pour acheter l'album d'HitchcockgO home : Drunkdog records, ceux de Mobiil  […]

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I know dere's twen'y millyun tomtoms

Carmen Carmen, ProsPer Mérimée Carmen (Bizet), Extrait de l'intégrale :Acte II : Couplet d'Escamillo(enregistrement 1912) carmen jones, otto preminger (fiche Imdb) Marc Almond Val Denham Ikhtoniaradio. Bloc Party - Luno UPDATE 12.2010 marc & mambas, torment & toreros (spotify)  […]

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...there's a hole in that wall

arLAnd WriglEy fRANTZ mAGLOirE Brad Scott/BAss eRIC fOuQuEt trOmpEttE Andrew CrockErsAxO John Handelsman Piano JamEs HallawEll cRAmmED 1988 Pour acheter From the hip...GEMM ikhtoniaradio. Nic Armstrong -If we can't escape my pretty  […]

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...we'll disappear into obscurity forever

r eNaldO anD thE LoAf touch taPeS MagNetiC norTH pOrsmOutH 1985 "the", a verY common word, was not includEd in your search unnEcEssArY is the opEratOr "and". renaldo & the loaf Acheter les albums de Renaldo and The Loaf  […]

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...will be used until a better name turns up

What happened to Craig Nugent ? Sans doute pas le genre de question susceptible de vous maintenir éveillé la nuit sauf à constituer le leitmotiv obsédant du polar que vous êtes en train de lire. Ni même la question qui va vous faire remuer ciel et terre afin d'en avoir le coeur net. Sauf si, du  […]

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...her young heart filled with lover schemes

T. TeX eDWaRDS nervEbrEakerS & OuT oN ParOlE Why must I die 1960 rOy del RutH dEbRa pAgEt TErrY mOOrE berT frEEd juli rEdinG dUaNe eDDy & HIs OrchEstra Lee HAzlewOOd JaMiE rEcOrds 1158 acheter New Rose Story Lee Hazlewood's Homepage Ikhtoniaradio : Tindersticks -Are you trying to fall in  […]

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...bring along a smile or a song for anyone

tenor saxophone Richie Kamuca tenor saxophone, clarinet Jerome Richardson sopranoaltotenor sax Bill Hood flute, baritone & bass clarinets Snooky Young trumpet, flugelhorn Frank Rosolino trombone Oscar Brashear trumpet Ross Tompkins piano Monty Budwig bass Nick Ceroli drums Los AngElEs,  […]

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...there's a part of me inside...

T.I.M.R.O.S.E=guitar jaYbErlinEr=guitar riCHaRdHUSSAn=bAss BernardPuRDIe=dRuMs ARTbutler=PIANO Tim Rose acheter les disques de Tim Rose, UPDATE 12.2010 tim rose (spotify)  […]

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...Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

MICHAELROSE blAck...UhUrU TWI..LI..G.HT CI.R.....C..US MY.KA.LROSE acheter les disques de Michael Rose, Mykal Rose, Black Uhuru Chair chant corps sur Ikhtoniaradio :Chair Chant corpsLa routine UPDATE 12.2010 michael rose (spotify)  […]

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...I saw the sky turn

..........SimonBonneY......vocals ..........MickHarveY.........guitar ..........Rowland.S.Howardguitar ..........HarryHoward.........bass ..........EpicSoundtracks..drums ...............BronwYnAdams....... ...............CoVErpAInTINGs..... .................jiMThompSoN....... acheter les disques de  […]

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...they never care enough to learn your name

billY coté............................leadrythmguitar marY lorson.............................vocalsguitar johnnY kick.......................drumsbackvocals matt verta-raY..............basssliderythmguitar acheter les disques de Madder Rose, d'Mary Lorson, Billy Coté Mary Lorson & Saint Low  […]

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The magic spell she cast...

acheter les disques de John Greaves, d'Edith Piaf CouP dE cOEuR Boulbar LiENS: la musique n'a pas de prix Vera Rose Découvrez d'autres artistes en cliquant surles pochettes. Ikhtoniaradio - Boulbar : la fille aux yeux gris clair update 12.2010 john greaves edith piaf boulbar, requiem pour un  […]

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Die Menschen sind Engel und leben im Himmel

Live London March 1st 1985 as°recorded°on Touch/\tApE M.A.G.N.E.T.I.C.N.O.R.T.H. acheter les disques d'Einstuerzende Neubauten update 12.2010 einsturzende neubauten (spotify)  […]

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...falling silently into the driving evening sound

....... e.n.p.e.r.s.o.n.n.e. e.n.E.u.r.o.p.e..... lynOakeYGUITARS JIMyOUNgpiANosYnthS baSsRicKGoLDsTRAw tObYtOmAndrumS+mIkEkinG°°SaM EnginEErEdbY pEtErhOOkEr acheter les disques de Nico update 12.2010 the frozen borderline (spotify)  […]

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