got a lotta ice an' snow here

pat garrett kid kris kristofferson

Il faisait froid. La radio annonçait du plus froid encore pour le lendemain. Le soleil d'hiver avait néanmoins fait sortir les gens dans les rues. Il entendait, à travers les mur et fenêtre, remonter à lui, sans les comprendre, comme une photo floue, leurs conversations sonores, mêlées à ses pensées. "Bobby Mcgee et Sam Peckinpah. Il connaît. Pat Garrett et le Kid aussi. Dylan, il s'en souvient. Pareil pour Kris Kristofferson. Ce dont il ne se souvient pas c'estt l'ordre chronologique de leur apparition dans sa vie. Rends toi à l'évidence, garcon ! Tu ne te souviens de rien." Aussi alla-t-il à la...
(fabrique de souvenirs)

It was cold. The radio was announcing an even colder day tomorrow. Anyway, the winter sun was leading people out in the streets. He could hear through the wall and window, without understanding them, like a blurry photo, their noisy conversations.  Mixed with his in-thoughts. "Bobby Mcgee and Sam Peckinpah. He knows. Pat Garrett and the Kid too. Dylan, he sure remembers. Same for Kris Kristofferson. What he can't remember was the chronological order of their appearance in his life. Go to the obvious, boy ! You don't remember anything." So he went to the...
(memories factory)

risin cost of livin Kris Kristofferson 2xLP Tribute

kris & bobby mcgee
(ht/buy this MUST HAVE double lp tribute)

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