ecoute vagabonde (6)

they stole this they stole that
they wont give it back

quand j'ai mis la cassette dans le lecteur, il faisait ici (ikhtonie) le même temps que là-bas (yardville, new jersey) 12° & couvert.vent quasi nul. & je m'étais, au repas de midi, brûlé le palais avec une patate bouillie, trop chaude, avalée trop vite...
Vous voulez la suite ?
Après 'Baby Neptune', 'Flying Mouth' est -semble-t-il si je sais compter - la deuxième cassette de John Andrews (Wisdom Tooth) et j'y retrouve ce qui m'avait plu dès la première minute et cinquante secondes de 'the mice that stole'
Ressentez vous la même chose que moi ? ça me rend heureux. heureux malgré mon palais brûlé...
"you and me darling we have, time to waste, so lets throw out all of our clocks and stay up late. va pas te brûler  le palais pour autant, hein ?

The Flying Mouth by Wisdom Tooth

The Flying Mouth by Wisdom Tooth

h.t/buy 'les' k7 chez spooky town

Wisdom Tooth - The Flying Mouth from john andrews on Vimeo.

(englikhtonian version)
they stole this they stole that
they wont give it back
when I first played the tape, the weather here (ikhtonia) was as it was there (Yardville, New Jersey) 12° & cloudy. almost no wind. & at lunch, I had my mouth burned by a boiled potato, too hot, too quickly swallowed ...
Want more?
After 'Baby Neptune', 'Flying Mouth' is - apparently if I can count - the second tape of John Andrews (Wisdom Tooth) and I found in what I already liked from the first minute and fifty seconds of 'The mice that stole'
Do you feel the same as me? it makes me happy. happy in spite of my burned mouth ...
"you and me darling we have, time to waste, so lets throw out all of our clocks and stay up late"
... doesn't mean you'll have to burn your mouth, eh?

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