wave a white flag

image by zb
the kindness in letting go

rameses III
the kindness in letting go

(française version)
Je suis revenu sur des pas vieux de dix ans. "Pour ton bien, tu ne devrais plus revenir ici." Pour mon bien, j'avais obéi. Accepté. Jusqu'à dimanche. Au retour, j'ai eu envie d'écouter Lodger (Bowie). Move on. Tout en percevant le caractère alison costello de la chose. "Oh it's so funny to be seeing you after so long, girl...Well I see you've got a husband now..."

(englikhtonian version)
I walked on old steps, ten years back. "For your own sake, you should not come back any more here." For my health, I had obeyed. Accepted things. Until last Sunday. On the way back, I longed to listen to Lodger (Bowie). Move on. While perceiving the whole alison costello's moods of the thing. "Oh it's so funny to be seeing you after so long, girl... Well I see you've got a husband now..."

ht/buy "I Could Not Love You More"

photos by ZB

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