
photo by zb
burden of proof

thunder power
burden of proof

(française version)
"time is now, pack your bags, it's september..." suis surpris à fredonner ça toute la journée.
Peut-être parce que je l'ai revue. Sur la plage. Dimanche. La dernière fois, c'était il y a neuf ou dix ans et nous nous quittions. L'ai revue sans que ce soit vraiment un hasard. C'est "sa" plage, après tout. Depuis ses six ans. Elle en a aujourd'hui quarante, quelques poussières et...
"and you're tryin' to explain..."

(englikhtonian version)
"time is now, pack your bags, it's september..."
...found myself humming this, all day long.
Maybe because I saw her. On the beach. Sunday. The last time was nine or ten years ago. We were parting. Saw her and it was not a real coincidence. After all, it's "her" beach. Since her six. Now she's in her forties and...
"...and you're tryin' to explain..."

thunder power
ht/buy "and everything after"

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