in case you don't know, a puddle will be your mirror

photo by zb
the lost waltz
secrets and lies

the lost waltz

tall firs
secrets and lies

(française version)
Quand ai reçu le nouvel album de Tall Firs, me suis souvenu du petit texte introductif au stw 90. Trop vieux pour mourir jeune. Oui. Protégé par les mains apaisantes du temps. Encore oui.

(englikhtonian version)
When I received the new Tall Firs, am reminded of the small introductory text I wrote for stw 90 number. Too old to die young. Yes. Protected by the soothing hands of time. Yes again.

acheter/buy "in the healing hands of time

tall firs
itw (vicemagazine)
acheter/buy "too old to die young"

bonus (baeblemusic)
tall firs (at hiro ballroom, 2007)

photo "puddle, puddle, mirror me!" by ZB

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