sunshine in the dark, hazy morning due

image zb
what will tomorrow bring

jakob olausson
what will tomorrow bring

(française version)
Le jeu a cessé mais pas la pluie.
Que nous apportera demain ? la question était dans les rayons ironiques du soleil, ce soir.
"Il va faire beau cette nuit", a dit Alice.

(englikhtonian version)
The game stopped. Not the rain.
What will tomorrow bring ? the question was in the ironic rays of the sun, tonight.
"Tonight, the night will have fine weather", Alice said.

jakob olausson
acheter/buy "moonlight farm" or at de stilj

bonus (youtube)
michael yonkers w/the blind shake - carbohydrates hydrocarbons

image "sea at night with the killing moon hidden by the clouds" by zb

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