doug sahm
Love minus zero/no limit
doug sahm
Acheter "Return of wayne Douglas"
Prêts à être touchés, émus, troublés ?
We Just Did What Happened And No One Came, le premier album de Sweet Billy Pilgrim
est paru !
Are you ready to be touched, stirred and thrilled, shaken and deeply moved ? Here's "We Just Did What Happened And No One Came", Sweet Billy Pilgrim's debut album.
chez 3rd Side, bonne nouvelle...Fugu est de retour !
Alors que la température baisse, que le gris et la pluie s'installent dans la saison, la pop lumineuse
d'"As found" est venue éclairer mon après midi...
As temperature lowers, the gray and the rain set up in the season, the luminous pop of "As found" comes and illuminates my afternoon... Fugu is back !
update 12.2012 doug sahm (spotify)